Frontlines Wiki
Gadget Type Assistance
Use Resupplying and Healing
Unlock method 5,000 Recon Points
Morale Effect +25 Ammo Placed

+5 Each HP Healed

Kit Recon

The Backpack is an unlockable gadget for the Recon class. The purpose of the backpack is to pick up spare ammunition and health packs, and put them back down in the field for teammates to use. This allows the Recon to temporarily function as a Support or a Medic. The Backpack can hold up to 200 Rounds of any kind of ammunition at any time(excluding explosive ammunition, which the backpack can only hold 5 of at any time) along with up to 10 health kits, assuming that the backpack does not have any ammunition. The backpack can hold 20 Rounds for any health kit it's not holding. This means, if it has one health kit in it, it can hold 180 Rounds of ammo. With two health kits, it can hold 160 Rounds, and so on and so forth. The explosive ammunition that can be held goes down 1 for each health kit added. Therefore, if you have 5 health kits inside the backpack, you can have no explosive ammunition.
